Scarfie Notes

Attended lecture. Still uninformed, but on a higher level.
Choosing a flat up all those steps was a great idea until I had to shift my furniture.
Did you know the Richardson Building won an architectural award for modernism in 1983?
Double glazing installed in Dundas St flat. Students protest against gentrification.
Dunedin’s summer always occurs during exams.
Fish & chips contain all the important food groups: fat, salt, starch and crunchy bits.
I have located the missing tutorial notes. ALL IS WELL!
Icecream tastes so much better in Woodhaugh Garden.
It’s wonderful how Postgraduates reclaim the library between semesters.
Leith Street is the classy alternative to Castle Street.
My flat doesn’t have a fridge. Superfluous.
My lecturer thinks an hour of reading per night is reasonable. So do the other seven.
My new student ID card makes me look bright orange like Tom Jones. Apparently it’s not unusual.
North East Valley – it’s not just a place, it’s a lifestyle.
Stay warm with stripy thermal underwear. The stripes rub together to create heat friction.
Take a minute to read the graffiti on a library desk.
The Archway lecture theatre spins around and throws you out in the wrong direction!
World-leading Science faculty but still no cure for the Fresher Flu!